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List of Past issues

 24 Osaka City’s ward chiefs are all Hashimotoism advocates (August 8, 2012)
 Hashimoto appointed ward boss: welfare benefit is compensation for labor (August 8, 2012)
 Court orders Kubota to compensate for asbestos damage (August 8&9, 2012)
 World Conference against A & H Bombs calls for starting negotiations on NWC (August 7, 2012)
 Shii talks with UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs (August 7, 2012)
 Gov’t should play its role to support A-bomb survivors[Editorial] (August 6, 2012)
 JCP Chair delivers speech (August 6, 2012)
 JCP in Okinawa makes representations to Foreign Ministry against radioactivity leak  (August 5, 2008)
 Local people concerned over Osprey flight routes running through Japanese islands (August 4, 2012)
 Female teacher’s suicide finally recognized as work-related (August 4, 2012)
 Due to Japanese summer holidays, our next update will be on August 17 
 Lawyers’ group requests that police not obstruct protest action against restart of NPPs (August 3, 2012)
 Japan’s new growth strategy pleases business circles[Editorial] (August 2, 2012)
 Kadena Town Assembly unanimously adopts resolution protesting US Raptor deployment (August 2, 2012)
 Okinawan academics say ‘No’ to Osprey deployment (August 2, 2012)
 266 residents in court seek freeze on Tokai Daini NPP (August 1, 2012)
 Mayors’ group issues proposal to break with nuclear power (August 1, 2012)
 Court accuses major fast-food chain of an unfair labor practice (August 1, 2012)
 Territorial expansion of former Soviet Union needs to be corrected[Editorial] (August 1, 2012)
 Keidanren Yonekura objects to government call to end dependence on nuclear power (July 31, 2012)
 Osaka city workers sue city for mental anguish brought about by survey (July 31, 2012)
 Diet surrounded by 200,000 protesters against restart of NPPs (July 30, 2012)
 Gov’t attempting to introduce ID number system (July 30, 2012)
 Tax burden ratio for corporations falls 10 percentage points in 9 years (July 30, 2012)
 Shii in Zenroren convention criticizes Noda government attack on decent work conditions (July 30, 2012)
 PM echoes LDP call for Japan’s right to collective self-defense (July 29, 2012)
 Welfare applicants concerned with requirement of kinship support (July 29, 2012)
 SDF mobilizes local gov’ts for ‘emergency’ drills (July 28, 2012)
 Workers protest against electronics companies’ massive job cuts (July 28, 2012)
 Ban on public workers political acts approved in Osaka City (July 28, 2012)
 Shii visits US embassy to demand cancellation of Osprey deployment (July 27, 2012)
 Gov’t bill to cut public services and workers attracts criticism (July 27, 2012)
 Consumption tax hike is in exchange for cuts in corporate taxes (July 27, 2012)
 Gov’t intends to increase burden on nursing-care service users in addition to consumption tax hike (July 26, 2012)
 Gov’t-recommended minimum wage falls short of boosting domestic demand (July 26, 2012)
 Kokuta calls for intensive Diet debate based on all 4 reports on Fukushima accident (July 26, 2012)
 Unionists in rally urge Keidanren to secure employment (December 17, 2008)
 Two temporary workers at Mitsubishi Fuso join labor union to oppose dismissal notice (December 18, 2008)
 Keidanren report calls for wage restraint and goes against best way to rebuild Japan’s economy (December 17, 2008 )
 Shii requests that Keidanren urge its member companies to stop massive job cuts (December 19, 2008 )
 Large corporations should cancel massive dismissal of temporary and fixed-term contract workers and fulfill their social responsibilities: JCP’s statement to Nippon Keidanren (December 19, 2008 )
 Finance Ministry budget plan does nothing to ease public anxieties (December 21, 2008 )
 Finance Ministry proposes 3.5-fold budget increase to pay for U.S. military realignment in Japan (December 22, 2008 )
 4.7 billion yen claimed as cost to prepare constitutional revision (December 22, 2008 )
 High school students participate in sit-in demanding increase in education budget (December 22, 2008 )
 Stop government ‘reform’ of childcare services[Editorial] (December 22, 2008 )
 Air SDF personnel visited Class-A war criminals’ tomb (December 17, 2008 )
 JCP in Diet demands that government urge U.S. forces to end live-fire exercise in order to protect residents from stray bullets (December 17, 2008 )
 Okinawa legislature unanimously demands immediate halt to live-shell drills (December 20, 2008 )

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