List of Past issues Private school in Miyazaki received \24 million in state subsidies after repeated wining/dining of education lawmaker and official (March 22 & 23, 2021) JCP Koike and CDPJ Azumi: We share goal of gov't change (March 23, 2021) JCP Yamazoe criticizes immigration authorities for disregarding foreign detainees’ lives even amid pandemic (March 22, 2021) JCP Fujino urges gov’t to improve safeguard measure for Vietnamese trainees (March 21, 2021) Gensuikyo protests UK gov’t decision to increase its nuclear warheads (March 21, 2021) State of emergency lifted despite 1K new COVID positives daily[Editorial] (March 20, 2021) Court recognizes dismissal of contract lecturer by private high school as unfair labor practice (March 20, 2021) Calling for better wages and end to discrimination against non-regular workers, postal workers go on strike (March 20, 2021) Mito District Court orders suspension of Tokai Daini nuclear power plant (March 19, 2021) Sapporo district court recognizes ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional (March 18, 2021) JCP Tamura: Mobilization of 10K medical workers to Summer Games will hamper nation’s fight against COVID-19 (March 17, 2021) Japan-US ‘2+2’ talks confirm strengthening of alliance to counter China’s growing influence (March 17, 2021) Shii calls for international community to unite against 2021 Maynmar coup d’etat (March 17, 2021) China should not carry out electoral reform that deprives Hong Kongers of their right to free elections[Editorial] (March 17, 2021) JCP Yamazoe questions presidents of Tohokushinsha and NTT in regard to wining-and-dining scandals (March 16, 2021) Union’s strike succeeds in forcing NTT to promise to provide equal treatment to non-regular workers (March 16, 2021) Nippon TV's responsibility under question for airing discriminatory joke targeting Ainu (March 14, 2021) JCP Hatano demands termination of Japan-US special agreement regarding 'sympathy budget' (March 13, 2021) Japanese academic associations call for retraction of article denial of ‘comfort women’ (March 13, 2021) NTT workers: NTT should provide pay hike, not lavish dinners for gov't bureaucrats (March 12, 2021) Data aggregation in Amazon Cloud is risky: expert (March 12, 2021) Opposition parties agree to summon key persons to testify in Diet about lavish entertainment of communications officials (March 11, 2021) Tokyoites' medical resources may go to for-profit 'medical tourism' (March 11, 2021) An 18-year-old Fukushima evacuee speaks his mind (March 10, 2021) JCP Koike: Submission of bill that opens path to enable crackdown on antinuclear and anti-base movements unacceptable (March 9, 2021) International Women's Day activists in Japan call for gender equality (March 9, 2021) MCAN rally resolves to continue raising antinuke voices in solidarity with Fukushima (March 8, 2021) JCP Policy Commission Chair comments on re-extension of coronavirus-related state of emergency (March 6, 2021) Thorough probe needed to uncover truth behind lavish dinner given by NTT to communications official: Shii (March 5, 2021) JCP Koike: Mature democracy ensures equal representation of male and female Dietmembers (March 5, 2021) JCP Koike attends rally protesting against Myanmar Army’s violent suppression (March 5, 2021) Suga gov’t sticks to policy of decreasing number of hospital beds in midst of COVID-19 pandemic (March 4, 2021) LDP Dietman rates female lawmaker based on appearance (March 4, 2021) Shii talks with activists in Miyagi on ways to support 3.11 disaster victims (March 4, 2021) Japan should refrain from actions that increase tension following passage of China’s Coast Guard Law (March 3, 2021) UN high representative speaks at antinuke event on Bikini Day (March 2, 2021) Online Bikini Day rally calls for using UN N-ban treaty as leverage to achieve a world without nuclear weapons (March 1, 2021) ASDF refuels US military aircraft in Guam (February 28, 2021) JCP policy commission chair: Marukawa inappropriate to be Gender-equality Minister (February 27, 2021) JCP condemns airstrike in Syria ordered by Biden administration (February 27, 2021) Report on BS altered after wining/dining of communications ministry officials (February 26, 2021) PM Suga carries on Abe’s style of abusing power for his own interests (February 26, 2021) Japan ranks lowest among G7 counties in gender equality in economic rights (February 26, 2021) Shii talks with new South Korean ambassador (February 26, 2021) Anti-COVID measures at Australian Open and Tokyo Olympics (February 25, 2021) Okinawa Prefectural Assembly unanimously protests against latest sex crime involving US marine (February 25, 2021) China should rescind its Coast Guard Law[Editorial] (February 24, 2021) JCP Tamura demands summoning of PM Suga's son and 4 high-ranking bureaucrats to testify before Diet (February 20, 2021) Fukushima evacuees win reversal in appellate court (February 20, 2021) Okinawans angry at another sex crime committed by US marine and the spate of low altitude flights (February 18 & 19, 2021)