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2016 October 26 - November 1 TOP3 [PEACE]

Japan votes against UN nuclear weapons-free resolution

October 29, 2016
The UN General Assembly First Committee on October 27 adopted a resolution which makes a step forward to a Nuclear Weapons Convention by an overwhelming majority. Japan, despite being the only atomic-bombed nation in the world, voted against it.

With this adopting of the resolution, negotiations toward a legally-binding treaty to totally ban nuclear weapons will take place at the UN in March, June, and July next year with the participation of global NGOs.

However, the government of Japan acted in concert with the United States and the other major nuclear-weapons states.

Regarding this decision, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on the same day issued a comment criticizing Japan’s vote as “shameful”.

In the comment, Shii welcomed the adoption of the resolution as an important step toward outlawing all nuclear weapons and establishing a world without nuclear weapons.

He went on to say, “This is a historic outcome brought about by global movements and Hibakusha united in calling for the urgent elimination of nuclear weapons as well as by 20-year-long efforts of many countries committed to working for an early conclusion of the NWC.” The JCP will also keep working towards the global goal of creating a nuclear-free world.

Last year when the establishment of an UN Open-ended Working Group on nuclear disarmament was decided, Japan abstained from voting in favor. This time, however, Japan turned itself into part of the resistant power.

To this, Shii in his comment said, “Japan has given in to the U.S. pressuring its allies to cast their votes against the resolution,” and added, “It was an extremely disgraceful act for the only country that knows the tragic consequences of the atomic bombing.

Past related article:
> Japanese gov’t reluctance to work toward nuclear free world is shameful [October 25, 2016]
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