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HOME  > 2017 April 26 - May 9
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2017 April 26 - May 9 [POLITICS]

3,000 Okinawans in ‘humiliation day’ rally resolve to continue to fight against Henoko base

April 30, 2017
Around 3,000 people from inside and outside Okinawa on April 29 gathered in front of U.S. Camp Schwab in the Henoko district in Nago City to protest against the Abe government forcibly going ahead with the new U.S. base construction and to recall the humiliation that Okinawans experienced as a result of the postwar settlement following the end of WWII.

On April 28, 1952, the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into force and effectively removed Okinawa from Japan. This day is remembered and annually commemorated as “the day of humiliation” in Okinawa.

Ryukyu University Professor Takara Tetsumi gave a speech on behalf of the organizing committee. He pointed out that the Abe government is pushing forward with the Henoko base project in defiance of strong local opposition. Takara said, “Okinawans’ opinions still continue to be disregarded. Without forgetting the humiliation, let’s keep working to oppose the planned military base construction in Henoko.”

Nago City Mayor Inamine Susumu declared that he will never give up until the base project is canceled, receiving enthusiastic applause.

Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Akamine Seiken, who was elected from Okinawa, said that Prime Minister Abe Shinzo does not hesitate to bend the law to push forward with the Henoko project. He noted that fighting against the Henoko base plan is tantamount to fighting for the Constitution and the rule of law.

Lawyer Kanetaka Nozomi explained how the anti-conspiracy bill would undermine freedom of thought and conscience. He stated that if the bill is enacted, it would enable police authorities to crack down on people who just discuss protesting against government policies such as the ongoing sit-in protest in Henoko under the pretext that such discussions conspire to obstruct business.

Past related article:
> April 28 is the day of ‘insult’ and ‘subordination’: Shii [April 30, 2013]
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