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HOME  > 2018 January 24 - 30
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2018 January 24 - 30 [POLITICS]

Vice minister: 'How many were killed?' in US aircraft mishaps in Okinawa

January 26, 2018
The appalling jeer, "Then, how many people were killed?", was heard on January 25 in the Diet hall from the Liberal Democratic Party seating area. It was thrown toward Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo in interpellation over a spate of accidents involving U.S. military aircraft in Okinawa.

The heckling came during the House of Representatives plenary session after JCP Chair Shii presented the fear and anxiety expressed by the parents of children who go to a childcare facility where an aircraft part fell.

Shii was pointing out that U.S. military aircraft-caused incidents and emergency landings occurred everywhere in Okinawa, saying, "As long as U.S. bases stay in Okinawa, the danger will continue." Shii was also demanding the unconditional return of the U.S. Futenma base to Japan, the cancellation of the construction of the U.S. Henoko base, and the removal of the U.S. Marine Corps from Okinawa.

State Minister of the Cabinet Office Matsumoto Fumiaki, who once assumed the post as State Minister for Okinawa Affairs, admitted in an Akahata interview that he was the one who heckled Shii.

An Akahata reporter asked Matsumoto if his statement means it is okay if no one is killed. He defiantly answered no.

Past related articles:
> Okinawa governor protests against flights of US military helicopters over elementary school [January 19 and 20, 2018]
> Shii: JCP will work hard to prevent US military aircraft from flying over skies of Okinawa [January 13, 2018]
> Okinawa Prefecture demands halt to flights of all US military aircraft in protest against frequent accidents [January 10, 2018]
> US military helicopter makes emergency landing on Okinawa beach [January 7 & 9, 2018]
> Forced landing incident of US military chopper recurs just 2 days after 1st one in Okinawa [January 9, 2018]
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