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HOME  > 2018 June 6 - 12
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2018 June 6 - 12 TOP3 [JCP]

Akahata e-edition to start in July

June 8, 2018
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on June 7 held a press conference in the Diet building to announce that the digital edition of the daily Akahata will start on July 2.

Shii said that the launch of the new edition will clear hurdles for many prospective readers. As examples, he cited those who like to read the paper on smartphones or tablets, who do not want the JCP organ paper to be overtly delivered to their homes, or who know no JCP members personally.

Shii noted that since September 2015, the number of people who use the Internet to support the JCP working to promote the opposition parties-concerned citizens joint struggle has increased. The JCP decided to offer the e-edition daily Akahata to meet requests from these new supporters.

Shii said that Akahata keeps a watchful eye on those in power without considering anything to be taboo and reports the truth as well as promotes joint struggles between opposition parties and concerned citizens. He also said that the organ paper covers ongoing changes in the world and that it clarifies the trend of peace and progress. Shii went on to say that Akahata provides readers with a lot of information useful in daily lives.

Shii said, “Under the current corporate media environment, Akahata is essential for Japanese society. With the digital edition along with the printed version, we will work to have Akahata reach a wider range of people.”
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