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2020 May 13 - 19 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Shii: International society is tested on its ability to overcome COVID-19 crisis through solidarity and cooperation

May 18, 2020

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on May 14 said, “What type of society we will live in after the end of the COVID-19 crisis depends on whether human beings can exercise solidarity and cooperation to overcome the current global pandemic.”

Shii made this remark during a question-answer session with the press regarding his view on a post-coronavirus world.

Shii pointed out that one of the major concerns over the ongoing pandemic is the lack of cooperation among the international community. Shii cited the struggle for hegemony between the U.S. and China to underline his point.

Shii said that the United States, the world’s most powerful capitalist country, sticks to the “America First” position and turns its back on the global call for joint efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. Citing the U.S. decision to suspend its financial support to the WHO, Shii stressed that this act will only impair U.S. standing and credibility in international society.”

As for China, the world’s second largest economy, Shii pointed out that the coronavirus outbreak has exposed the issue of human right violations and hegemonism in the country. Shii said that due to an absence of respect for human rights, the Chinese government failed to take a proper response following the initial report on the virus outbreak. Shii added that even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese leadership keeps conducting provocative activities in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

Shii pointed out that during the Cold War, the U.S. and the former Soviet Union worked together in worldwide efforts to eliminate smallpox and develop a polio vaccine. In addition, Shii said that in 2014 when the Ebola outbreak occurred, the U.S. Obama administration’s positive role contributed to establishing the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response based on a UNSC resolution and contained the virus through international cooperation.

Shii said, “The U.S. and China should stop waging their struggle for hegemony and fulfill their responsibility to work together in the global fight against the coronavirus pandemic to meet worldwide expectations.” Shii also said that whether human beings can work in solidarity to end the current crisis will determine the outlook for a post-coronavirus world.

Shii said, “The JCP will work hard to address the most urgent task of bringing the ongoing health crisis under control and protecting people’s lives and livelihoods. At the same time, utilizing the revised Party Program, we will work even harder to achieve a better society both at home and abroad after helping to bring an end to the coronavirus pandemic.”

Past related article:
> Shii protests China's chasing away Japanese fishing boat [May 10, 2020]
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