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2020 August 26 - September 1 TOP3 [POLITICS]

In response to PM Abe's resignation, Shii calls for opening extraordinary Diet session

August 29, 2020

Prime Minister Abe Shinzo at a press conference held in the PM Office on August 28 said that he is going to resign due to a resurgence of his chronic ulcerative colitis. He will step down one year before completing his term as president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. This is his second resignation while in office following his first stint as prime minister.

In response to the announcement of his resignation, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo gave the following comments to the press corps in the Diet building:

We understand his resignation is due to his worsening health condition, and I hope that he will recover his health.

However, regarding issues we currently face such as the COVID-19 pandemic, there is no time left to waste.

An extraordinary session of the Diet should immediately be convened to appoint Abe's successor, and Diet deliberations and Budget Committee meetings should be held in both chambers under the new prime minister.

Our party has squarely confronted the Abe government for seven years and eight months. We will continue to make efforts together with concerned citizens and other opposition parties to drastically change the present political system ruled by the LDP.

Past related articles:
> In extremely irresponsible manner, Prime Minister Abe gives up Prime Ministership [September 13, 2007]
> Abe’s resignation shows the failure of the LDP-Komei policy line: JCP Shii [September 13, 2007]
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