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HOME  > 2022 March 16 - 22
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2022 March 16 - 22 [JCP]

JCP Miyamoto to Belarusian ambassador: Need is for Belarus to help to end war in Ukraine and not militarily support Russia

March 19, 2022
Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Miyamoto Toru on March 18 at the Belarusian Embassy in Tokyo talked with Ambassador Ruslan Esin about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Miyamoto handed to the ambassador a statement issued by JCP Chair Shii on February 24 which condemns Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and calls for an immediate halt to Russia’s military operation. The JCP lawmaker pointed out that the suffering of Ukrainians has been increasing under the constant attack by Russian forces, and demanded that Belarus stop offering military support to Russia and instead play a role in ending the war without delay.

In response, Ambassador Esin said that he will convey Miyamoto’s demand to Minsk and explained his government’s position on this matter.

Miyamoto stressed, “As a political party which had opposed U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the JCP calls on all countries, including Russia, to strictly comply with the UN Charter.”

Past related article:
> Shii strongly condemns Russia's aggression against Ukraine [February 25, 2022]
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