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2024 September 25 - October 1 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

JCP proposes ordinance bill to organize Tokyoites’ assembly on climate change

September 25, 2024

The Japanese Communist Party Tokyo Metropolitan Assemblymembers’ group on September 24 at a press conference in the metropolitan government office building proposed an ordinance bill regarding a “climate Tokyoites assembly” which reflects the voices of a broad range of Tokyoites, including young people and women, in regard to measures to tackle the climate crisis.

JCP Assemblyperson Hara Junko pointed out that Japan has been seriously affected by climate change, and said that in order to achieve climate justice which puts equity and human rights at the core of decision-making to take action on climate change, it is necessary to utilize Tokyoites’ wisdom and motivation. She went on to say that the biggest feature of the bill is that the proposed assembly will consist of randomly selected Tokyo citizens.

Another JCP Assemblyperson, Aoyagi Yukiko, said that when drawing up the bill, the JCP took into account young climate activists’ opinion that the results of discussions should be considered in making policies and budgeting. Aoyagi added that under the bill, meeting outcomes will be submitted to the governor in the form of a recommendation.
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