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HOME  > 2011 May 25 - 31
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2011 May 25 - 31 TOP3 [NUCLEAR CRISIS]

TEPCO buys media to propagate nuclear ‘safety myth’

May 31, 2011
For the promotion of nuclear energy, Tokyo Electric Power Co. has used every possible trick to propagate the “safety myth” of atomic power stations. One of its longtime methods is to use vast amounts of funds to influence Japanese media.

A former editor of a national newspaper pointed out that since Japanese are said to have an allergy to atomic power, the electric company needed to establish the myth and make them believe that nuclear energy is safe.

It has been reported that on the very day of the March 11 massive earthquake, TEPCO Chair Katsumata Tsunehisa was on a trip to China with media-related people. Initiated by the late Hiraiwa Gaishi, former TEPCO chair, the utility company has taken press people to tour China for 10 years.

According to a reporter involved in business circles, TEPCO normally releases its settlement report at a hotel in Tokyo. Listening to the utility chair’s explanation of settlement, press people are treated to a full-course steak dinner. During coffee following the meal, they are asked to ask questions. Gifts are provided for them when the press conference is over.

Reporters are accustomed to receive taxi vouchers from the utility, many worth 30,000 to 50,000 yen. A magazine editor said that TEPCO offered to buy 200 copies of his book.

TEPCO uses large amount of money for advertising. It is said that 30 to 40 percent of money spent for the advertisement of energy industries has been by TEPCO.
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