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HOME  > 2013 April 10 - 16
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2013 April 10 - 16 [NUCLEAR CRISIS]

More than 6,000 join suit calling for closure of Genkai nuclear plant

April 13, 2013
The number of plaintiffs seeking the closure of the Genkai nuclear power plant totaled 6,097 on April 13, when 604 new plaintiffs filed their case at the Saga District Court.

The group of plaintiffs demands that the national government and Kyushu Electric Power Co. give up their plan to reactivate all four reactors at the Genkai plant in Saga Prefecture.

At a rally after the 6th filing, former Saga University president Hasegawa Akira, who is the head of the plaintiffs group, criticized the Nuclear Regulation Authority’s revised nuclear safety standards, saying that it is “the new form of ‘safety myth’ trying to pave the way for reactivating idled reactors.”

Related past articles:
> Kyushu residents file suit against NPP (May 31, 2012)
> 1,704 file suit seeking shutdown of Genkai nuclear plant (January 31 & February 1, 2012)
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