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HOME  > 2009 September 16 - 20
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2009 September 16 - 20 [US FORCES]

Peace groups demand Japan-U.S. joint ground exercises be cancelled

September 16, 2009
Peace organizations in the Kansai region on September 15 jointly made representations to the region’s defense bureau, demanding that joint exercises the U.S. Army in Japan and the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force have scheduled for October 9-18 at the Aibano Exercise Field in Shiga Prefecture be cancelled.

Their written request gives the following three reasons for cancellation: the dangerous drills for mock street warfare are preparations for SDF to be sent abroad to fight; the constant drills of U.S. forces will damage sound development of local communities and economies; and they also threaten the residents’ basic right to live in peace.

The planned exercises will be the 10th of such joint training exercises. New-model missile PAC3s have already been deployed to the Aibano Exercise Field in April.
- Akahata, September 16, 2009
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