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HOME  > 2015 September 2 - 8
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2015 September 2 - 8 [POLITICS]

JCP: expansion of use of ‘My Number’ system will invite risk of serious privacy breaches

September 4, 2015
A bill to expand the scope of the ID number system was approved and enacted at a House of Representatives plenary session on September 3 with the majority vote of the Liberal Democratic, Komei, Democratic, and Japan Innovation parties. The Japanese Communist, Social Democratic, and People’s Life parties voted against the bill.

The “My Number” social security and tax identity system was created in 2013 with the aim of enabling the government to handle personal information in the areas of tax payments and social welfare benefits through a 12-digit number assigned to every resident in Japan. However, soon after the creation of the system, the government revealed its intent to use the system in other areas. Following the enactment of the bill, people’s bank account information and medical checkup data will also be entered into the new system.

In the Diet discussion on the bill, the Japanese Communist Party insisted that the extension of the system of consolidated personal data including healthcare-related information will increase the risk of privacy abuses and other crimes. The party called for the cancellation of the My Number system scheduled to be launched in October.

Past related articles:
> Yamashita demands cancellation of ‘My Number’ program [August 28&29, 2015]
> JCP Takahashi: ‘My Number’ system shouldn’t come into force amid pension data leak investigation [June 19, 2015]
> JCP Takahashi: Gov’t aims to provide people’s personal data to security authorities [February 24, 2014]
> ID number bill passed through Lower HouseJ [May 10, 2013]
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