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2015 September 2 - 8 [LABOR]

Bill related to elimination of ‘black corporations’ passed

September 5, 2015
A bill to regulate “black corporations” exploiting workers under harsh working conditions was passed unanimously on September 4 at a House of Representatives Labor Committee meeting. As the bill was already approved by the House of Councilors, it will be enacted after the approval of the Lower House plenary session.

Under the bill which is designed to promote youth employment, “Hello Work” public employment security offices will refuse to provide job-opening information of “black corporations” to new graduates. Companies famous in repeated illegal labor practices such as unpaid overtime and those whose names have been published due to unfair treatment of employees such as sexual harassment will be subject to this measure. The Labor Ministry intends to issue guidelines so that private job placement companies also have to follow the new regulation.

The bill will also enable job-seeking students to request companies to present their workplace information. However, what kind of information to be offered will depend on the companies.

At the Lower House committee meeting, prior to the vote, Japanese Communist Party lawmaker Horiuchi Terufumi proposed that the bill require companies using more than 3,000 employees to include the employment turnover rate in their job-vacancy information for new graduates.

Labor Minister Shiozaki Yasuhisa in his reply said that the ministry will consider Horiuchi’s proposal.

Past related articles:
> Public job centers will reject ‘black corporations’ job ads [March 18, 2015]
> JCP efforts move gov’t take measures against ‘black part-time jobs’ [December 2, 2014]
> JCP proposes bill to regulate ‘black corporations’ [October 16, 2013]
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