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HOME  > 2016 July 6 - 12
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2016 July 6 - 12 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Anti-nuclear power candidate wins gubernatorial race in Kagoshima which hosts Sendai NPP

July 11, 2016
On July 10, in the gubernatorial election in Kagoshima Prefecture which hosts Kyushu Electric Power Company’s Sendai nuclear power plant, the only NPP currently operating in Japan, an anti-nuclear power candidate defeated his incumbent rival backed by the Liberal Democratic and Komei parties.

Anti-nuclear power candidate, Mitazono Satoshi, in the election campaign promised to bring a halt to the operations of the Sendai NPP.

At a press conference following the election, Mitazono expressed his determination, saying, “Seeking to create a nuclear power-free society, I’ll make Kagoshima famous for its use of renewable energy sources.” He went on to cite various issues that need to be tackled, such problems associated with child-rearing, poverty, women’s lack of full participation in society, and young people’s lack of employment opportunities.

In preparation for the gubernatorial race, an anti-nuclear power civil group in which the Japanese Communist Party is active agreed with Mitazono’s election promises and voluntarily withheld from fielding their own candidate.

Past related articles:
> Court dismisses appeal to shut down Sendai N-reactors [April 7, 2016]
> No.2 reactor at Sendai NPP put back online over public opposition [October 16, 2015]
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