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2016 July 13 - 19 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Opposition alliance’s candidate for Tokyo governor publishes election platform

July 17&18, 2016
Torigoe Shuntaro, who is running in the Tokyo gubernatorial race with support from four opposition parties, including the Japanese Communist Party, on July 15 published his election platform calling for creating a residents-oriented Tokyo government.

Explaining his basic stance of opening the metropolitan government to public input, Torigoe said that he will listen carefully to Tokyoites’ opinions.

The joint opposition candidate pointed out that two governors in a row resigned due to political funds scandals. Asserting that the head of the Tokyo government should always be conscious about how taxpayers’ money is spent, he proposed a revision of the rules regarding overseas trips and the use of an official car in his election platform. He also promised to disclose all information regarding the governor’s daily schedule such as places visited and meetings held.

Torigoe next mentioned the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. He vowed to seek success in hosting this quadrennial Summer Games as a sporting festival promoting world peace while making efforts to cut wasteful spending associated with the preparation for the Games.

He went on to promise to reduce Tokyo citizens’ anxieties regarding their futures through measures to improve medical and nursing-care services, eliminate child poverty, and achieve a “zero” waiting list to enter quality public nurseries.

Torigoe also expressed his determination to strongly promote the use of solar, biomass, and other renewable energy sources and establish a peaceful capital where the Japanese Constitution is fully utilized.


Following the publication of Torigoe’s election platform, the Civil Alliance for Peace and Constitutionalism and the Metropolitan Coalition against Nukes (MCAN) on July 16 and 17 separately issued statements in support of Torigoe.

The Civil Alliance in its statement expressed its determination to work hard to realize a Tokyo government which encourages Tokyoites’ participation and cooperation in Tokyo’s administrative activities and policies as sovereign citizens. The MCAN statement points out that the metropolitan government is the major stockholder of Tokyo Electric Power Company and calls on voters to support Torigoe in order for Tokyo to take the lead in the national anti-nuclear power movement.
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