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HOME  > 2010 December 1 - 7
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2010 December 1 - 7 [WELFARE]

580,000 people call for a budget hike for arts and culture

December 3, 2010
About 150 entertainers and artists on December 2, with a petition signed by 580,000 people, made representations to the cultural ministry and all political parties, calling for an increase in the culture-related budget.

Nomura Man, president of the Japan Council of Performers’ Organizations (Geidankyo) and a traditional dance-drama actor (noh-gaku-shi), demanded that Culture Minister Takaki Yoshiaki make an effort to establish a culture-respecting Japan.

Nakamura Hiroko, a pianist, called for state support for cultural and performing art activities.

Sai Yoichi, the chairman of the Directors Guild of Japan, said that the government should have a strategy to support a diversity of cultural activities.

House of Councilors member of the Japanese Communist Party Ichida Tadayoshi was also named in the petition as a vice-president of the cross-party league of parliamentarians for music. Ichida stated, “Culture is something that we cannot evaluate based only on efficiency. Cherishing culture improves the quality of life for all.”

Prior to this petition release, Geidankyo representatives visited the JCP Dietmembers’ group in the Diet building. Receiving their visit, Miyamoto Takeshi (House of Representatives) promised to work hard to increase the budget for culture.

At a mini-concert hosted by the parliamentarians’ league on the same day, Shinozaki Fuminori, a musician with the NHK Symphony Orchestra, gave a violin performance. Pianist Nakamura Hiroko said, “Please do not cut the budget for culture because it does not make money. Please back cultural activities with a long term vision.”
- Akahata, December 3, 2010
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