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2010 December 1 - 7 [WELFARE]

Tokyo gov’t must retract bill to restrict freedom of expression: JCP

December 2, 2010
The Japanese Communist Party Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Members Group on December 2 issued a statement urging the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to withdraw a revision of its ordinance on “healthy youth development” for setting stronger regulations on sexual images in “manga” comic books and animation.

In July, the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly voted down the Tokyo government’s attempt to review the ordinance. However, the Tokyo government resubmitted another revision bill to the assembly when it resumed on November 30.

JCP Tokyo Assembly Members’ Group Secretary General Yoshida Nobuo at a news conference criticized the bill, saying: As Governor Ishihara at the November 26 news conference admitted, the resubmitted bill is basically the same as the former bill.

Yoshida also said that if the bill is enacted, there will be a possibility that decisions as to which book should be restricted will be made arbitrarily and that publication and creative activities will be contrained.

Yoshida pointed out that under a revised ordinance, a definition about sexual activities which will be regulated due to violation of criminal laws is unclear, and thus “manga” and animation containing sexual description will be dictatorially restricted. Restriction on sexual images without rational reason is unacceptable based on freedom of publication and expression.

Japan’s major manga artists Chiba Tetsuya and Akimoto Osamu on November 30 at a news conference expressed their opposition to the Tokyo government’s intention to impose regulations on sexual images in manga and animation.

Chiba said, “I’m concerned that the revision of the ordinance will hinder the free development of the manga and animation cultures.”
- Akahata, December 2, 2010
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