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HOME  > 2010 November 3 - 9
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2010 November 3 - 9 [POLITICS]

Ozawa must respond to allegations against him in Diet: Shii

November 5, 2010
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on November 4 called on the ruling Democratic Party of Japan to have its former President Ozawa Ichiro explain in the Diet about his alleged violation of the Political Funds Control Law.

On the same day, DPJ Secretary General Okada Katsuya had talks with Ozawa in the Diet building. According to Okada, Ozawa turned down Okada’s request to offer an explanation on the matter in the Diet, saying that he will do so in a judicial setting.

At a press conference in the Diet building, Shii said, “As the leader of the DPJ, Prime Minister Kan himself should persuade Ozawa to explain in the Diet about the scandal he was involved in.”
- Akahata, November 5, 2010
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