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2021 November 10 - 16 TOP3 [POLITICS]

A9A issues statement calling for protection of Constitution after general election

November 13, 2021

The Article 9 Association on November 12, in response to the general election outcome, issued a statement calling on its members to stand up against a new impetus to constitutional amendments aimed at an adverse revision of the war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution while confidently moving collaboration with pro-constitutional opposition parties forward.

As a result of the general election, constitutional revisionists (Liberal Democratic Party, Komei Party, "Nippon Ishin no Kai" party) won more than two-thirds of House of Representatives seats in the Lower House. The statement points out that Prime Minister Kishida Fumio is ready to enter a new phase in the attempt the government has had since the Abe regime to amend the Constitution.

The statement predicts that the Kishida government, based on the history of the Abe and Suga governments, will start with a revision of Article 9 which requires the non-possession of war potential. At the same time with revising the "National Security Strategy" to strengthen the Japan-U.S. military alliance with China in mind, the government will seek to have the Commission on the Constitution in both houses discuss constitutional amendments during the extraordinary session of the Diet in order to facilitate revision of Article 9, according to the statement. It points out that the "Nippon Ishin no Kai" party and the Democratic Party for the People are providing a boost to this scheme.

On the other hand, the statement points out that citizens' grassroots movements and united efforts between opposition parties and concerned citizens as well as the A9A have stopped the Constitution from being adversely revised. It adds, "There will be no other means than the joint struggles of opposition parties together with concerned citizens which can put a brake on that scheme in advance of the House of Councilors election next year." It again calls on A9A members and concerned citizens to renew their determination to block amendments to the Constitution and the adverse revision of Article 9.
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