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2021 November 10 - 16 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP Tamura raps gov't for not signing COP26 agreement to end coal-fueled power generation

November 13, 2021

Japanese Communist Party Policy Commission Chair Tamura Tomoko at a press conference held in the Diet building on November 12 criticized the Japanese government for not signing a COP26 agreement to move away from coal-fueled power generation.

Forty-six nations among the signatories of the COP26 agreed to totally abolish coal-fired power generation by the 2030s in developed countries and by the 2040s in other countries. Japan, however, did not sign the pledge to phase out the use of coal.

Tamura said, "The Japanese government has shown to the world that the country is reluctant to pursue decarbonization, being left far behind the rest of the world."

She pointed out that the COP26 warns about the improbability to limit the increase of global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius if the situation continues as it is.

Japan's Prime Minister Kishida Fumio repeatedly said, "Japan will take a leadership role in the COP26". Contrary to this claim, he returned to Japan immediately after he delivered his address at the COP26 Summit which resulted in receiving the "Fossil of the Day" award.

Tamura severely criticized PM Kishida's speech for declaring to the world the Japanese government policy of staying with coal even after the 2030s, running counter to the global trend.

She expressed her concern that this policy may deal a heavy blow to Japanese industries, pointing out that many countries are encouraging the business world to promote carbon neutrality as corporate activities which in turn leads to the development of many decarbonized products and creates a more responsible business environment. She added, "Here again, Japanese companies may fall behind renewable energy innovation which will delay the widespread use of renewables in Japan."

Referring to the fact that Japan is the fifth largest CO2 emitter in the world, she said, "Our party is calling for a reduction target of 60% by 2030," and expressed her determination to work together with as many people as possible including scientists, environmental activists, and business people to bring a shift in the government policy in order to achieve the 60% reduction target.

Past related articles:
> PM Kishida's speech at COP26 goes against global decarbonization efforts [November 5, 2021]
> JCP calls public attention to its strategy for 50-60% CO2 cut by 2030 [September 23 & 24, 2021]
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