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HOME  > 2010 December 22 - 2011 January 4
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2010 December 22 - 2011 January 4 [JCP]

JCP offers Party Program class

December 22, 2010
A class on the Japanese Communist Party Program took place on December 21 at the JCP head office as part of a series of lectures on the Program and scientific socialism.

JCP Chair Shii Kazuo gave a 2-hour lecture to members of the JCP and the Democratic Youth League of Japan. It was webcast across Japan.

Shii first focused on the importance of grasping the progressive social change from long-term, broad, and global perspectives in order to steadily proceed toward the future.

Citing the recent forum of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) as an example, Shii explained that an international order of peace as outlined in the JCP Program has the potential to be achieved.

Shii stressed that his lecture on the Program is aimed at sharing its vision with all JCP members so that they will be able to talk to many other people about what kind of society the JCP envisions.

Shii stated that the Program starts with prewar history “because all the problems of today are connected with the past” and talked about the history of conflicts over the territories of the Senkakus, Takeshima, and the Chishima Islands.

Unlike the Japanese government, the JCP can make a persuasive argument in regard to these issues because it is the party that has a history of firm resistance to Japan’s war of aggression and colonial rule over its Asian neighbors, Shii concluded.
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