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HOME  > 2010 December 22 - 2011 January 4
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2010 December 22 - 2011 January 4 [JCP]

Shii congratulates Brazil’s new president

January 3, 2011
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo sent a message of congratulations to Dilma Roussef who was inaugurated as the Brazil’s new president on January 1. The message was handed to her by JCP Vice Chair Ogata Yasuo who attended the inauguration ceremony at the invitation of the Brazilian government. Shii’s message reads:

Please accept our heartfelt congratulations and greetings of solidarity on assuming the office of the 36th President of the Federal Republic of Brazil.

Your appeal: “Brazil will keep on changing” is resonating with people worldwide aspiring for a new society. As the emerging countries and developing countries hold more important positions in international politics, the world pays special attention to the prominent role played by Brazil on questions regarding peace and the global economy.

We hope that the new government you lead as Brazil’s first woman president will further develop the policies of the former Lula government and achieve even more success in improving people’s livelihoods, including the eradication of poverty, carrying out political reforms that include strengthening democracy, and realizing democratic international relations and an economic order based on the principles of the United Nations Charter, which places emphasis on equality, sovereignty, and working for peaceful solutions to conflicts.

We will continue to exert efforts to further develop exchanges between Japan and Brazil and sincerely hope that friendship between your government and the Japanese Communist Party will advance even further through working together on common tasks such as the elimination of nuclear weapons and initiating social progress.
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