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HOME  > 2007 November 21 - 27
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2007 November 21 - 27 [JCP]

Shii holds talks with CPV delegation

November 22, 2007
On November 21, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo at the JCP headquarters held talks with the Communist Party of Vietnam delegation led by CPV Central Committee Secretary To Huy Rua that was visiting Japan for theoretical exchanges with the JCP.

Rua conveyed greetings from CPV General Secretary Non Duc Manh.

Rua gave his impression about the theoretical exchange, saying, “Our first theoretical exchanges have achieved important results. I am convinced that these experiences will not only contribute to further undertakings of both parties but also further enrich Marxism.”

Shii asked Rua to give his best regards to General Secretary Manh and the CPV leaderships.

Shii recalled that during his visit to Vietnam last January, both parties agreed to develop bilateral relations of friendship and solidarity into a new stage appropriate to the 21st century, cooperate in ensuring peace in Asia and the rest of the world, and conduct theoretical exchanges. “I think our first theoretical exchanges have produced very good results,” Shii said.

Shii and Rua agreed to further develop theoretical exchanges on various themes based on the results produced this time as a long-term project of both parties.

Rua explained the process and present stage of the Doi Moi policies, which Vietnam has been implementing since 1986, as well as their challenges.

Although Vietnam in the past rejected the market economy, the country has greatly developed since it adopted the Doi Moi policy line and is making efforts to refine this policy while attaching importance to theoretical activities, Rua said.

In reply to a question about the reality of Japanese workers’ conditions, Shii cited some concrete examples and explained in detail how the poverty rate is increasing and labor laws protecting workers are being destroyed in Japan.
- Akahata, November 22, 2007
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