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HOME  > 2007 October 31 - November 6
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2007 October 31 - November 6 [JCP]

Shii delivers speech on JCP policy for remaking Japan

November 1, 2007
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on October 31 gave a speech at the Japan National Press Club on “the JCP’s stance towards the next general election,” providing an analysis of the Fukuda government and putting forward the JCP policy to deal with the new political situation that has developed after the July House of Councilors election.

Shii pointed out that the Fukuda government is no different from the past Liberal Democratic Party governments in maintaining the basic LDP policy framework that includes the structural reform policy line and absolute loyalty to the Japan-U.S. alliance. At the same time, the new cabinet may make certain changes because the pro-Yasukuni forces received a major blow due to the collapse of the Abe government, he said.

Pointing out that the government can no longer ignore public opinion because of the verdict delivered in the Upper House election and struggles of the public, Shii said, “The time has come for public opinion to exert direct influence on politics.”

Shii stressed two points to be incorporated in a political framework to replace the LDP political line: one, put an end to the unqualified pro-U.S. policy giving priority to military means and carry out an independent, self-reliant, and peaceful diplomacy by making use of Article 9; and two, put an end to the policy serving the interests of large corporations.

In relation to the new anti-terrorism special measures bill currently under discussion in the Diet, Shii said, “The primary obstruction to not only the eradication of terrorism but also the stabilization of the situation in Afghanistan is the U.S. war in which the Self-Defense Force has given assistance.”

In order to eradicate terrorism, Shii proposed that Japan should (i) end dispatching the SDF in whatever form, (ii) make diplomatic efforts to create an international environment to promote efforts for a comprehensive peaceful settlement between the government and anti-government forces already underway in Afghanistan, and (iii) strive to uproot the causes of terrorism by drastically strengthening assistance for people’s livelihoods.

Shii also criticized the government and business circles for pushing for consumption tax hikes to secure funds for social welfare services. He stressed that the JCP has been consistently demanding ending tax breaks benefiting large corporations and the wealthy and slashing military expenditure.

Asked about Democratic Party President Ozawa Ichiro, Shii criticized Ozawa’s idea of sending the SDF to Afghanistan as part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), saying, “This goes against the Constitution and is detrimental to the situation in Afghanistan as well.”

Although Ozawa has repeatedly said that his assertion is consistent, Shii pointed out that Ozawa’s argument lacks consistency. In February 1993 when Ozawa was the LDP secretary general, he proposed restricting the SDF’s use of force abroad to as part of the formal United Nations forces. However, he now insists that the SDF’s participation even in multinational forces does not violate the Constitution as long as such forces conduct U.N. peacekeeping operations.
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