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HOME  > 2007 October 31 - November 6
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2007 October 31 - November 6 [JCP]

Shii meets with CPC Organization Department delegation

October 31, 2007
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on October 31 met a Communist Party of China delegation led by Fu Sihe, the director of the Organization Bureau of the CPC Organization Department, at the JCP head office in Tokyo.

During the meeting, Fu explained how successful the recent CPC Congress that ended on October 21 was in adopting a policy of making progress on the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics and in formulating the “Scientific Outlook on Development”.

He also expressed hope for the further growth of exchanges between the JCP and the CPC with their rich history.

Shii congratulated the CPC on its successful 17th Congress and the re-election of Hu Jintao as CPC General Secretary.

He said he had read the report on CPC political activities to the Congress, adding that he took note of the fact that the CPC is making efforts to solve such problems as social disparities, pollution, and natural resources use while confirming the gains in domestic development.

Fu also explained that the CPC is exploring ways to expand inner-party democracy in order to promote democracy in Chinese society in general.
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