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HOME  > 2009 October 21 - 27
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2009 October 21 - 27 [US FORCES]

Anpo-Haki calls for new U.S. base construction to be cancelled

October 21, 2009
Representatives of the Central Action Committee against the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty (Anpo-Haki) on October 20 made its first representations to the Defense Ministry since the inauguration of the new government, calling for a halt to the planned construction of a new U.S. military base off the sea in the Henoko district of Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture.

Japanese Communist Party Akamine Seiken accompanied the participants making the representations.

The statement they submitted to Defense Minister Kitazawa Toshimi makes the following four demands: withdrawal of the base construction plan as well as immediate closure of the U.S. Futenma Base and unconditional return of its land; drastic revision of the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement; cuts in and abolition of the “sympathy budget” for the U.S. forces in Japan; and immediate cancellation of the Self-Defense Forces’ refueling activities in the Indian Ocean and a ban on SDF overseas deployments.

Anpo-Haki Secretary General Hayasaka Yoshiro said, “Since the new ruling party, the Democratic Party of Japan, is opposed to the base construction plan, the government should negotiate with the U.S. for withdrawal of the construction plan in accordance with Okinawan’s call for the unconditional return of the land taken by the Futenma Base.”

DM officials stated that the ministry is considering how to deal with the ongoing realignment of the U.S. forces in Japan under the new government.
- Akahata, October 21, 2009
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