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2015 December 2 - 8 [POLITICS]

Speakers in antinuke rally call for opposition parties’ joint efforts

December 6, 2015
An anti-nukes event, entitled “Keep calm & no nukes” massive march, took place on December 5 in Tokyo with 3,000 people participating. The event was hosted by the Metropolitan Coalition against Nukes (MCAN).

Following the rhythm of a drum beat, the participants marched through Tokyo’s famous shopping district of Ginza on a busy Saturday afternoon, holding anti-nuke signs and shouting, “Don’t restart nuclear reactors!” and “Depart from nuclear energy!”.

At a rally held prior to the march at the Hibiya Amphitheater near the Ginza, guest speakers in turn called on the audience to increase efforts to realize opposition parties’ collaboration and bring down the pro-nuke Abe government.

Johnan Shinkin Bank Senior Adviser Yoshiwara Tsuyoshi said, “Our role as a financial institution is to lend money for the public good and for a sound future of Japan. We carefully evaluate borrower companies’ profitability. The nuclear power industry is a money-losing business.” He appealed to the participants to join hands to change the government.

Nakano Koichi, political science professor at Sophia University, said that the Abe government is using deceit and the force of power to have people feel powerless in movements concerning various issues such as the promotion of nuclear power generation and the U.S. base construction in Henoko. “Let’s stand up for politicians who speak for the general public in the Diet! Let’s establish a government which works in the public interest!” he added.

Keio University Professor Emeritus and lawyer Kobayashi Setsu criticized power companies for promoting nuclear power as the cleanest, most economical, and safe energy source. He said, “I have to say ‘Get real, don’t make me laugh!’ After the Fukushima nuclear meltdown, it has become obvious that nuclear power is the opposite to what utilities claim to be true. They have no shame.”

Talking about how to weaken the current vested interest structure surrounding nuclear energy, Kobayashi said, “It’s simple! Just elect a responsible person with ethics to be Japan’s leader.” He went on to stress the need to strengthen public opinion to remove barriers between opposition parties and win a government change through elections.

Past related article:
> Opposition parties and civic groups exchange views on ways to repeal war legislation [October 17, 2015]
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