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2015 December 2 - 8 [POLITICS]

Opposition party representatives at antiwar rally suggest electoral cooperation

December 7, 2015
The antiwar student organization SEALDs and a group of scholars on December 6 held a rally at the Hibiya Amphitheater in Tokyo to call for the abrogation of the security-related legislation and marched in demonstration through a nearby shopping district, chanting in chorus, “No war, protect the Constitution!”

Speakers at the rally expressed their hope for cooperation among opposition parties to give the Abe administration a crushing blow in the next House of Councilors election. In order to make this happen, many of them said that a further increase in popular movements is necessary.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo also took part in the rally along with Fukuyama Tetsuro, vice secretary general of the Democratic Party of Japan, and Tamaki Denny, secretary general of the People’s Life Party. Social Democratic Party Chair Yoshida Tadatomo sent a message in solidarity to the rally.

Shii called on participants to join hands to help replace the Abe administration and establish a coalition government to bring back constitutionalism by creating a strong demand for peace through the ongoing 20 million-signature drive. When expressing his determination to realize electoral cooperation in all the 32 single-seat constituencies in the Upper House election next summer to defeat LDP candidates, he received a big round of applause.

Regarding single-seat constituencies, DPJ Fukuyama said, “Many civil groups, organizations, and political parties must get together so that candidates can courageously struggle for the abolition of the security legislation and put brakes on the Abe regime. We’ll make every effort to achieve this task.”

Tamaki Denny of the People’s Life Party said, “Let’s fight together with the slogan, ‘Bring it on Abe government!’ in the election next summer.”

SDP Chair Yoshida in his message said that his party representing a broad range of people is determined to play a leading role in stopping the exercise of the war legislation and its revocation, stressing the need to win in the Upper House election next year to put a stop to Abe’s runaway policies.

Past related articles:
> Shii in press conference: favorable public response to JCP proposal could lead to major change [October 20, 2015]
> Lawmakers of five opposition parties in anti-war rally: cooperation needed [October 19, 2015]
> JCP proposal for ‘national coalition government’ attracts much media attention October 18, 2015]
> Opposition parties and civic groups exchange views on ways to repeal war legislation [October 17, 2015]
> Shii answers foreign reporters’ questions about JCP proposal to form ‘national coalition gov’t to repeal war legislation’ [October 17, 2015]
> JCP holds series of talks with opposition parties over a national coalition gov’t to repeal war legislation [September 26 & 29, 2015]
> Shii answers questions from the press regarding a national coalition gov’t [September 21, 2015]
> JCP proposes establishing a national coalition gov’t to repeal war legislation [September 20, 2015]
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