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HOME  > 2016 September 28 - October 4
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2016 September 28 - October 4 [JCP]

Sixth JCP-CPV theoretical talks

September 28 & 29, 2016
Ogata meets with CPV Huynh

Ogata Yasuo, the head of a Japanese Communist Party delegation visiting Vietnam, on the evening of September 26 met with Communist Party of Vietnam Dinh The Huynh (CPV Politburo member, Standing member of the Secretariat, CPV Central Theoretical Council chairman) in Ha Long City in Quang Ninh Province along the northeastern coast of Vietnam.

Huynh welcomed the JCP delegation and expressed his congratulations for the JCP advance in the July Upper House election. He said he hopes bilateral relations will move forward to a new stage through theoretical exchanges and cooperation in the international sphere.

Ogata appreciated Huynh’s warm welcome and said that the longstanding friendship and solidarity between the two parties since the beginning of the Vietnam War are developing to a new level in accordance with the present day situation. He emphasized, “It is important for both the international community and communist parties to be based on the UN Charter and international law.” He also pointed out that the start of negotiations on a Nuclear Weapons Convention is the uppermost international pressing issue and expressed that the JCP will promote further cooperation with the CPV on this issue.

Huynh agreed with Ogata and said, “In order to protect the peace and principles of the UN Charter and international law, we will keep working together with the JCP.”

After the meeting, the JCP delegation was invited to a welcome dinner hosted by Huynh.

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JCP-CPV theoretical meeting begins

The sixth JCP-CPV theoretical exchange meeting started on September 27 in Ha Long City in Vietnam on the common theme of “the region, changes in the international situation, an outlook for struggles of the two parties and peoples”.

At the opening of the meeting, JCP Vice Chair Ogata Yasuo and Dinh The Huynh (CPV Politburo member, Standing member of the Secretariat, CPV Central Theoretical Council chairman) delivered a keynote presentation, respectively.

Ogata reported on the characteristics of the Abe government’s policies as well as on the political experience the JCP had in carrying out electoral cooperation between opposition parties and concerned citizens in the House of Councilors election this summer for the first time in JCP history. He presented the vision of a future society outlined in the JCP Program and pointed out that to establish an international order for peace based on the UN Charter and international law and to overcome every hegemonic act are challenges closely tied to each other.

He introduced the JCP initiative to create a framework for peace and cooperation in Northeast Asia. Regarding the disputes in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, Ogata made reference to how Engels and Lenin had dealt with territorial issues. He stressed the importance of resisting great-power chauvinism and finding peaceful solutions to disputes in line with international law.

Huynh explained the achievements of the 30-year-long Doi Moi reform and future tasks, pointing out that the world and the regional situation surrounding the South China Sea have become much more complicated. He said that Vietnam denies the use or threat to use weapons and tries to peacefully resolve any dispute based on international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. He also said that Vietnam will work to maintain a peaceful environment for the sake of the country’s prosperity and the peace and stability in the region.

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JCP-CPV theoretical exchange talks ends

The sixth JCP-CPV theoretical exchange meeting ended its two-day session on September 28. Both delegations actively discussed various topics in addition to the contents of the keynote speeches given by the head of each delegation. Ten members in total from both delegations gave presentations.

In addition to questions and answers, they also talked about: causes of the widening of social inequality in Japan; what kind of efforts the JCP makes to build up the party strength; what features will be in the 27th JCP Congress; how the JCP sees the dispute over the Senkaku Islands; ASEAN’s role and its future; the CPV’s view about the TPP free-trade pact; how to view U.S.-China relations; and Vietnam’s foreign policy and its economic building programs.

In closing the meeting, CPV Huynh said, “We exchanged our views in depth which will contribute to further improving bilateral relations.” JCP Ogata said, “This meeting has provided an opportunity for both of us to deepen our mutual understanding and confirm common challenges.”

Both sides acknowledged the success of this theoretical exchange meeting.

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The JCP delegation on the same day held talks with the leadership of the CPV Quang Ninh Province committee. They also made a study trip to local enterprises in the province.
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