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 Build solidarity among 99% to change economic system[Editorial] (October 26, 2011)
 Entry into TPP questioned by most prefectural assemblies (October 18, 2011)
 International forum opposing TPP held (October 16, 2011)
 JCP publishes appeal opposing Japan’s entry into TPP (October 14, 2011)
 Medical experts at DPJ’s meeting criticize entry into TPP (October 12 & 13, 2011)
 TPP opens gov’t procurement to foreign capital (Part 2) (September 22, 2011)
 TPP opens gov’t procurement to foreign capital (Part 1) (September 21, 2011)
 TPP participation hinders disaster reconstruction efforts (August 28, 2011)
 Economic white paper goes against recovery, calling for free trade (July 23, 2011)
 TPP participation will greatly hinder disaster reconstruction[Editorial] (April 15, 2011)
 TPP deals another blow to disaster-hit areas (April 14, 2011)
 US calls for Japan’s deregulation of 70 items (March 5, 2011)
 Japan’s entry into TPP will cost 3.5 million jobs (February 24 & 25, 2011)
 Consumption tax hike will hurt elderly and SMEs in particular (February 24, 2011)
 Unfair taxation: heavier burden on SMEs, more benefits for large firms (February 27, 2011)
 Take control of TPP process: US business coalition to US admin (February 20, 2011)
 Using 50 billion yen to invite Toyota, Miyagi still suffering from job shortage (February 8, 2011)
 TPP leads to free-trade of people, goods, money: JCP Yoshii (February 11, 2011)
 TPP intensifies US demands on Japan for beef, postal, and insurance trading (February 18, 2011)
 Japan needs closer ties with East Asia, not with US and TPP editorial (excerpts)[Editorial] (February 7, 2011 )
 Large corporations close plants after accepting subsidies from local gov’t (February 6, 2011)
 TPP is for stronger Japan-US ties: Japan and US think-tanks (February 4, 2011)
 Gov’t downsizes support for SMEs (February 3, 2011)
 Ichida demands public supports for SMEs (January 29, 2011)
 Obama’s State of the Union address reveals PM Kan’s naive vision for TPP[Editorial] (January 27, 2011)
 Local mayors express concerns over participation in TPP (January 27, 2011)
 Medical Association voices concerns over Japan’s entry into TPP (January 11, 2011)
 Shii proposes package to increase wages (January 10, 2011)
 PM Kan says he risks his political career on consumption tax hike (January 7, 2011)
 Media encourages consumption tax hike (January 7, 2011)
 Local economic growth without nuclear plants must be ensured: JCP Yoshii (November 27, 2010)
 Sterile race for cheaper currencies must end (excerpts) [Editorial] ( November 7, 2010 )
 All town and village heads oppose TPP ( November 5, 2010)
 JCP chair opposes Japan’s entry to TPP talks ( October 22, 2010)
 Farmers resolve to oppose government plan to join TPP ( October 20, 2010)
 Major daily editorials stress need for boosting domestic demand ( October 9, 2010)
 Boost domestic demand to restore nation’s economy: Shii ( October 8, 2010)
 BOJ again implements zero-interest rate ( October 6, 2010)
 Keidanren’s tax proposal will demolish domestic demand [Editorial] ( September 16, 2010)
 What Japan should do against the strong yen (Sunday edition, September 12, 2010)
 Government must protect SMEs from effects felt by strong yen: Yoshii ( September 9, 2010)
 11 trillion yen increase in large firms’ internal funds ( September 6, 2010)
 FTA, EPA will destroy what remains of Japan’s agriculture ( July 26, 2010)
 Kan gov’t agrees with IMF call to raise consumption tax to 22 % ( July 16, 2010)
 METI gives notice about measures to relieve SMEs (April 20 & 21, 2010)
 Keidanren ‘growth strategy’ will deprive even large corporations of their future - Akahata editorial[Editorial] (April 15, 2010)
 Shii meets with CPV external relations commission chair ( March 19, 2010)
 Myth of auto-giant Toyota (March 8 & 9, 2010)
 Large corporations amass 1.1 trillion yen in internal reserves in 9 months (March 3, 2010)
 The background behind Toyota recall ( February 5 & 6, 201)

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