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List of Past issues

 Disabled persons’ call for ‘Self-support’ law to be repealed is increasing  ( September 7, 2009)
 Government report recognizes Ainu as an indigenous people ( September 7, 2009)
 90% of DPJ’s revenue will depend on government subsidy  ( September 6, 2009)
 Okinawa's pro-U.S. base advocates defeated in general election ( September 5, 2009)
 AWOL U.S. soldier in stolen truck causes road accident  ( September 5, 2009 )
 Ogata meets with Indian trade union delegation ( September 5, 2009)
 Komei’s top resign for setback in general election ( September 4, 2009)
 Time-worn nuclear-power plant to be run in excess of 40 years ( September 4, 2009)
 17.3 billion yen in government subsidy goes to DPJ (September 3, 2009)
 Tell us what went wrong Akahata ‘Current’ column  ( September 3, 2009 )
 200th demonstration demanding ‘No live-fire drill’ held in Okinawa ( September 3, 2009 )
 How will new government deal with military budget? ( September 2, 2009)
 Cabinet secretary denies secret agreement on nuclear weapons ( September 2, 2009 )
 Minimum wage to be higher than central council’s recommendation  ( September 2, 2009)
 JCP statement on the results of general election –  ( September 1, 2009)
 JCP attracts third largest support from uncommitted voters ( September 1, 2009)
 Anti-poverty NPO urges government ’s implementation of its promise on labor issue ( September 1, 2009 )
 Ichida urges DPJ to come up with a plan to secure revenue sources  ( September 1, 2009 )
 U.S. nuclear submarines make 38 port calls in Japan this year ( August 31, 2009)
 More moldy MA rice detected ( August 31, 2009 )
 Rice retailers and producers have exchange meeting ( August 31, 2009)
 Government workers’ union resolves to recover public services ( August 31, 2009)
 Construction workers’ union holds its regular convention ( August 30-31, 2009 )
 Japan’s unemployment rate reaches record high of 5.7 percent ( August 29, 2009)
 JCP breakwater against a consumption tax increase Akahata editorial  ( August 28, 2009)
 Import of unnecessary rice will deal blow to Japanese farmers ( August 28, 2009)
 JCP as highly capable of policy planning on science and technology ( August 27, 2009 )
 25 women golf course workers win victory after 7 years of struggle ( August 27, 2009 )
 Young people angered by Aso’s gaffe ( August 25 & 26, 2009)
 U.N. recommends Japan steps to end discrimination against women ( August 26, 2009)
 Disabled sues government and demands self-support law be repealed  ( August 26, 2009 )
 JCP’s role as ‘constructive opposition ’ is gaining support: Shii ( August 25, 2009)
 Break away from big business control and act upon Article 9 ; Shii ( August 24, 2009 )
 Shii calls for Japan nuclear-free  ( August 24, 2009)
 Yokosuka residents demonstrates against U.S. nuclear-powered warship entry ( August 24, 2009)
 This is pro-business politics as usual, ignoring people’s well-being ( August 23, 2009 )
 Shii explains tasks of JCP as ‘constructive opposition party’  ( August 22, 2009)
 Shii expresses condolences on the former President Kim Dae Jung ( August 22, 2009)
 SDP to join DPJ-led coalition contradicts its basic policies ( August 21, 2009)
 Independent diplomacy is pivotal to peace Akahata editorial [Editorial] (August 21, 2009)
 Shii says key DPJ policies are problematic  ( August 20, 2009)
 Young people volunteer to take part in JCP campaign  ( August 20, 2009)
 Protest against U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier’s visit to local port (August 20, 2009)
 Japan urged to eliminate discrimination against women  (August 20, 2009)
 Emergency measures needed to deal with H1N1 influenza  ( August 20, 2009)
 Parties must explain their envisage for politics Akahata editorial [Editorial] ( August 19, 2009)
 Shii stresses the task to put an end to LDP-Komei government  ( August 18, 2009)
 Party leaders answer questions on relations with U.S.  ( August 18, 2009 )
 Do not enter into FTA negotiations with U.S. ( August 18, 2009)
 Secular memorial for war dead will be acceptable - JCP ( August 18, 2009)

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