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List of Past issues

 Dispute over 2020 Olympic marathon resulted from commercialism within IOC (November 2, 2019)
 Opposition party-citizens cooperation hampers use of private-sector English tests for university entrance exams: JCP Kasai (November 2, 2019)
 Concerned citizens publish statement calling for cancellation of planned arms trade fair (November 1, 2019)
 Justice minister resigns over his wife's possible violation of election law (November 1, 2019)
 Plaintiffs bring Iwakuni base noise ruling to Supreme Court (November 1, 2019)
 Okinawa-elected opposition party lawmakers urge gov’t to work to restore World Heritage site of Shurijo Castle (November 1, 2019)
 Okinawa: Abe gov’t should urge US military to stop holding parachute drills at Kadena AB (October 31, 2019)
 JCP Miyamoto urges Welfare Ministry to retract its proposal to slash number of public hospitals (October 31, 2019)
 Largest builders' union in Japan resolves to apply all their skills in post-disaster reconstruction work (October 31, 2019)
 Henoko listed among Mission Blue’s ‘Hope Spots’ (October 30, 2019)
 JCP comments on issue over 2020 Olympic marathon (October 30, 2019)
 2 film directors & production firm protest cancellation of 'comfort women' documentary showing at film festival (October 29, 2019)
 Education Minister’s remarks denying equality of educational opportunity unacceptable[Editorial] (October 29, 2019)
 Japanese union activists learn about South Korean labor movement (October 28, 2019)
 Nara Peace Committee holds study meeting on Japan-South Korea relationships (October 27, 2019)
 METI Minister just one month after taking office resigns over money scandal (October 26, 2019)
 Appeals court increases compensation for noise pollution at Iwakuni base (October 26, 2019)
 Shii speaks to opposition party executives on Senkaku territorial issue (October 25, 2019)
 Gov’t should wholeheartedly work to bring back remains of ex-Japanese POWs in Siberia[Editorial] (October 25, 2019)
 Japanese and South Korean women's groups issue joint statement for peace (October 25, 2019)
 US labor union visits Okinawa to learn about anti-US base movements (October 23 and 24, 2019)
 JCP Fujino criticizes gov’t intention to impose tighter conditions on parole to long-term foreign detainees (October 24, 2019)
 JCP absent from enthronement ceremonies (October 23, 2019)
 US military aircraft in Okinawa drops 4kg part (October 22, 2019)
 Christians in Japan: Enthronement ceremonies violate constitutional principle of separation of state and religion (October 22, 2019)
 Abe allegedly used taxpayers’ money to entertain his supporters (October 21, 2019)
 Fukushima decontamination waste bags flow into rivers during Typhoon Hagibis (October 21, 2019)
 Shii at progressive people's forum speaks on process toward opposition parties' coalition gov't (October 20, 2019)
 JCP holds memorial service for 189 activists (October 20, 2019)
 Gov't should improve sporting environment to fulfill people's right to enjoy sports[Editorial] (October 19, 2019)
 Abe government to consider dispatching SDF to Middle East (October 19, 2019)
 JCP and SDP agree to cooperate on forming coalition government (October 18, 2019)
 Cabinet minister visits war-glorifying Yasukuni Shrine (October 18, 2019)
 Gov’t plan to introduce variable working hour system will not reduce teachers’ excessively long working hours: expert (October 18, 2019)
 Deaf call for early enactment of sign language law (October 17, 2019)
 Gov’t should provide victim-oriented support in efforts to recover from typhoon damage[Editorial] (October 16, 2019)
 Keidanren calls on companies to make donations based on its annual report card to LDP  (October 16, 2019)
 JCP criticizes Taito gov’t denial of homeless people’s access to shelter in middle of typhoon as human rights violation (October 16, 2019)
 Aichi Triennale successfully ends in face of unjust political pressure (October 16, 2019)
 JCP sets up disaster taskforce to respond to Super-typhoon Hagibis (October 14, 2019)
 Hidankyo survey of second-generation Hibakusha: Majority have health concerns (October 13, 2019)
 PM Abe makes false claim that selective dual surname system has little public support (October 12, 2019)
 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to technologies that will contribute to creation of low-carbon society[Editorial] (October 12, 2019)
 Japan formally signs humiliating trade pact with US[Editorial] (October 11, 2019)
 JCP Koike: What's win-win with Japan-US trade deal? (October 10, 2019)
 Koike at Upper House plenary meeting: Raise minimum wages, not consumption tax (October 10, 2019)
 JCP will not attend accession ceremonies for new emperor: Koike (October 10, 2019)
 Shii in Diet interpellation demands cuts in sales tax rate to 5% (October 9, 2019)
 OECD seeks to tighten taxation rules on IT giants (October 9, 2019)
 Shii urges Abe to investigate into money scandal involving KEPCO executives (October 9, 2019)

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