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List of Past issues

 Gov’t should safeguard foreign workers’ human rights before opening door wider (November 6, 2018)
 Thanks to ‘sympathy budget’, asset value of US bases in Japan amounts to 98 billion dollars (November 5, 2018)
 Physicians against nuclear war meet together for 1st time in Nagasaki (November 5, 2018)
 More than 33K people demand protection of Article 9 (November 4, 2018)
 Gov’t proposes bill to accept more foreign workers without addressing existing human rights violations (November 3, 2018)
 Anti-base Okinawans hold on-sea protest against restart of Henoko landfill work (November 2, 2018)
 Shii calls for cool-headed approach to Korean forced laborer issue (November 2, 2018)
 PM Abe pretends to be ignorant of his maladministration during JCP interpellation[Editorial] (November 1, 2018)
 Opposition parties rally in protest against Land Minister’s decision to give OK to Henoko landfill (October 31, 2018)
 JCP meets with bar association lawyers over the issue of foreign workers in Japan (October 31, 2018)
 Land Minister issues decision to allow Henoko landfill work to be resumed (October 31, 2018)
 Korean top court orders Japanese steelmaker to compensate ex-Korean forced laborers (October 31, 2018)
 House steering committee chair proposes to cut opposition lawmakers’ question time in general interpellation (October 30, 2018)
 ‘JCP supporters’ festival takes place (October 29, 2018)
 JCP Chair speaks of JCP on online news site (October 28, 2018)
 Heads of 9 universities in Okinawa demand that US military aircraft stop flying over their campuses (October 28, 2018)
 This week’s JCP international activities (October 24 & 28, 2018)
 Ordinance bill to hold prefectural referendum over Henoko base project approved (October 27, 2018)
 Leaders of Japanese farmers' and fishermen's movements meets FAO Japan head (October 27, 2018)
 JCP Vice Chair speaks at ICAPP assembly (October 27, 2018)
 Abe’s policy speech completely dodges scandals both new and old[Editorial] (October 25, 2018)
 Shii criticizes PM Abe’s appeal for constitutional revision as outrageous interference in Diet steering (October 25, 2018)
 Agricultural newspaper’s survey finds 73% of its monitors do not support Abe’s farm policy (October 25, 2018)
 Hibakusha protest against Trump's decision to pull out of INF Treaty (October 24, 2018)
 Anti-Abe government tide rising in local politics (October 24, 2018)
 Professor: Defense Ministry unjustly uses law in order to keep Henoko project going (October 24, 2018)
 Nationwide organization of coastal fishermen in pole-and-line and longline fisheries formed (October 24, 2018)
 Naka City mayor voices objection to restart of Tokai Daini NPP (October 24, 2018)
 JCP to METI: Don’t discharge radioactive Fukushima water into ocean (October 24, 2018)
 JCP does not attend gov't-hosted ceremony praising prewar Japan (October 24, 2018)
 Henoko, constitutional revision, and sales tax hike will become focus of debates in 197th extraordinary Diet session (October 22 and 23, 2018)
 'All Okinawa' candidate wins reelection as Naha City mayor (October 22 & 23, 2018)
 Koike: Japanese gov't should demand that Saudi Arabia investigate journalist's death (October 23, 2018)
 JCP-backed candidate wins in Oyamazaki Town mayor race (October 23, 2018)
 Efforts by parents and JCP lead to supplementary state budget of 81.7 billion yen for A/Cs in public school classrooms (October 21, 2018)
 JCP lawmakers inspect poor conditions at immigration detention facilities (October 21, 2018)
 Shii on BS news program discusses Henoko base issue (October 20, 2018)
 Reshuffled Abe Cabinet tainted with money scandals in its 1st month (October 20, 2018)
 JCP to other opposition parties: Let's start talks on Upper House electoral cooperation (October 18, 2018)
 State launches attack on Okinawa’s revocation of Henoko landfill approval (October 18, 2018)
 Okinawa governor criticizes filing of complaint against revocation of approval for Henoko landfill (October 18, 2018)
 Justice Ministry finally updates its webpage on dual surname system (October 18, 2018)
 Japan PEN issues statement calling for world free from nuclear weapons (October 18, 2018)
 This week’s JCP international activity (October 17&18, 2018)
 Put an end to Keidanren’s ‘buyout of politics’ with use of policy evaluation tactic[Editorial] (October 17, 2018)
 3,000 truck drivers but not freight owners punished for overloading (October 17, 2018)
 More than 100 deaf included among victims of forced eugenic sterilization (October 17, 2018)
 Consumption tax hike to 10% will lead to catastrophe in Japanese economy: JCP Koike (October 16, 2018)
 Abe uses SDF to realize his ambition to change Constitution (October 16, 2018)
 JCP in 5th CC Plenum reaffirms need for electoral cooperation (October 15, 2018)

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