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List of Past issues

 Japan finally signs on to international statement against use of nuclear weapons (October 23, 2013)
 PM should have gov’t take lead in handling radioactive water problem: JCP Kasai (October 23, 2013)
 Urasoe mayor retracts pledge to oppose US military port construction  (October 23, 2013)
 Hate speeches invited by state shirking responsibility for prewar massacre: lawyer (October 23, 2013)
 40,000 people voice opposition to restart of nuclear reactors (October 14, 2013)
 NSC and secrets protection bills to turn Japan into a war-fighting nation[Editorial] (October 13, 2013)
 1,000 people call for removal of US Yokota base (October 13, 2013)
 More than 10,000 families file complaints against cuts in welfare benefits (October 12, 2013)
 Abe still cannot hold talks with China or South Korea (October 11, 2013)
 Secrets protection law could work to hide actual status of Japan-US security treaty: ex-reporter (October 11, 2013)
 Hibakusha demand state compensation for A-bomb sufferings (October 11, 2013)
 Japan’s antinuke group meets with high ranking UN officials in NYC (October 11-13, 2013)
 Abe’s ‘Minamata disease eliminated’ remark receives criticism from victims (October 11, 2013)
 Mizuho Bank loans to crime syndicate called into question[Editorial] (October 11, 2013)
 Abe Cabinet breaks promise to citizens on TPP[Editorial] (October 10, 2013)
 TEPCO pays 82.4 bil. yen in interest to megabanks while reluctant to pay compensation to Fukushima victims (October 10, 2013)
 LDP, DPJ and Komei in Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly cast ‘no’ votes for more childcare centers while parents watch (October 10, 2013)
 This week’s JCP international activities (October 10-13, 2013)
 Women in Japan left in disgracefully low social status[Editorial] (October 9, 2013)
 Residents’ signature campaign kicks off for governor’s recall (October 9, 2013)
 US forces agree to report more on punishment of perpetrators (October 9, 2013)
 Job market for laid-off workers remains depressed (October 9, 2013)
 Court recognizes hate speech as racism (October 8, 2013)
 1,100 citizens rally to oppose Japan-US joint military exercise using Ospreys (October 7&8, 2013)
 Develop public opinion against right to collective self-defense: Article 9 Association (October 8, 2013)
 This week’s JCP international activities (October 4, 6 and 8 2013)
 Union settles with Nestle for labor dispute under OECD guidelines (October 7, 2013)
 Environmental NPO and Fukushima farmers jointly build solar power plant (October 7, 2013)
 More local gov’ts want to invite casinos  (October 6, 2013)
 Policy toward China differs between Japan and US (October 4 & 5, 2013)
 Low income earners pay more in consumption tax relative to income: private think tank (October 5, 2013)
 Gov’t council demands lifting of ban on day labor  (October 5, 2013)
 5 opposition parties jointly call for Diet session to be convened (September 25 & 26, 2013)
 Call me ‘militarist’, if you want: PM Abe (September 27, 2013)
 JCP Dietmembers inspect trouble-laden Hokkaido railway company (September 27, 2013)
 Local papers say Abe’ economic policy is overly partial to business interests (September 27, 2013)
 5,000 voices opposing consumption tax hike resound through Tokyo (September 28, 2013)
 PM Abe’s provocative remarks lead to worsening relations with neighbors: JCP Ichida (September 28 & October 1, 2013)
 NGOs in Japan striving for early settlement of comfort women issue (September 25, 2013)
 Former soldier testifies on lethal human experimentation (September 29, 2013)
 Skilled part-timer reveals in court coffee shop chain’s unfair dismissal  (September 25, 2013)
 Union workers demand swift settlement of labor disputes (September 26, 2013)
 Court approves taxi company’s unfair dismissal (September 26, 2013)
 Number of ‘working-poor’ remains above 10 mil level for 7 straight years (October 1, 2013)
 Japan gov’t suppresses discovery of dugong’s presence at planned US base site (September 25, 2013)
 Installation of US missile defense radar may damage environment (September 30, 2013)
 One year after Osprey deployment, Okinawans bear further base burdens (September 26 & 30, 2013)
 JCP in Tokyo demands 2020 Olympics to be in harmony with lives and nature (September 26, 2013)
 JCP in Osaka demands retraction of forcible ‘Kimigayo’ order on school teachers (September 27, 2013)
 JCP Shiokawa highlights deception in Abe’s ‘perfectly contained’ remark (September 28, 2013)

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