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List of Past issues

 US servicemen arrested in Okinawa and Yokosuka (May 6, 2013)
 For society where children have dreams and hopes[Editorial] (May 5, 2013)
 Constitution Day rally resolves to block relaxation of requirements for constitutional revision (May 4, 2013)
 Court’s designation of woman as Minamata disease patient finalized (May 3, 2013)
 Disabled woman’s court victory to be confirmed (May 3, 2013)
 JCP pledges to defend Article 96 of Constitution  (May 3, 2013)
 May Day rallies aim at wage hike to counter deflationary economy (April 27 & May 2, 2013)
 April 28 is the day of ‘insult’ and ‘subordination’: Shii (April 30, 2013)
 Taxi drivers win overtime pay  (April 30, 2013)
 Japan Gensuikyo submits 2.76 million signatures for nuclear-free world (April 30, 2013)
 Inose’s remarks insulting Islamic culture trample on Olympic spirit (April 30, 2013)
 Shii speaks on how Japan becomes a base-covered state (April 29, 2013)
 Korean youth protest against anti-Korea demonstrations (April 28&29, 2013)
 Over 10,000 Okinawans raise voices against gov’t ceremony to commemorate San Francisco Treaty (April 29, 2013)
 Due to one-week holidays in Japan, the next update will be May 10. 
 JCP Kokuta calls for Japan’s own inspections of Boeing 787 (April 27, 2013)
 A-bombed cities protest against gov’t refusal to endorse statement stressing inhumanity of nuclear weapons (April 26 & 27, 2013)
 April 28, ‘Day of insult’ for Okinawans (April 27, 2013)
 Gov’t approves banned food additives in anticipation of TPP (April 26, 2013)
 Abe arrogantly supports ministers’ Yasukuni visits (April 26, 2013)
 National ID system will eat up public money (April 25, 2013)
 Tokyo gov’t ordered to negotiate with union (April 25, 2013)
 High court rules ex-Bloomberg reporter’s dismissal to be invalid (April 25, 2013)
 'Special fishery zone’ approved in defiance of local protest (April 24, 2013)
 Don’t discharge radiation-contaminated water into sea: JCP Inoue (April 24, 2013)
 168 Diet members make group visit to Yasukuni Shrine (April 24, 2013)
 JCP demands halt to ceremony to commemorate ‘Japan’s restoration of sovereignty’ & using Emperor for political purposes (April 23, 2013)
 JCP wins assembly seat in disaster-hit town for the first time in 12 years (April 23, 2013)
 Secret info protection law will violate public’s right to know[Editorial] (April 22, 2013)
 JCP criticizes PM Abe for making offerings to Yasukuni Shrine (April 22, 2013)
 Iida City starts supporting residents’ renewable energy generation (April 22, 2013)
 Countries in TPP talks approve Japan’s entry (April 21, 2013)
 To resume Boeing 787 service without determining problems will provoke questions concerning safety (April 21, 2013)
 Upward trend in wages boasted by PM Abe is a lie (April 20, 2013)
 Court rules city’s rejection of welfare benefits for disabled woman to be illegal (April 20, 2013)
 Majority of Japanese high schoolers support Article 9: poll (April 20, 2013)
 Access to info on Net during election campaigns will spur voters’ political participation (April 19, 2013)
 Japan Gensuikyo goes to Geneva with signatures for nuclear-free world (April 19, 2013)
 Union condemns Ricoh for forcing employees to work overtime without pay (April 19, 2013)
 This week’s JCP international activities (April 19 & 23, 2013)
 Abe’s declaration of joining TPP talks causes rift with traditional LDP supporters (April 18, 2013)
 JCP demands blanket testing for BSE (April 18, 2013)
 US Marine helicopter based in Okinawa crashes in South Korea (April 18, 2013)
 US soldier arrested for drunk driving (April 18, 2013)
 Court orders Japanese maker to compensate workers for discrimination (April 18, 2013)
 Closure of Shiseido’s Kamakura factory upsets local economy (April 18, 2013)
 100 days of Abe Cabinet (April 18, 2013)
 Spouses of Japanese war orphans seek public aid (April 17, 2013)
 Top court for first time recognizes woman as Minamata disease sufferer (April 17, 2013)
 Court rejects suit for shutdown of Oi NPP (April 17, 2013)

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