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HOME  > 2018 September 19 - 25
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2018 September 19 - 25 [US FORCES]

US soldier arrested for trespassing

September 21, 2018

It has come to light that Okinawa police arrested a 23-year-old U.S. soldier stationed at the U.S. Kadena Base for breaking into a house in Yomitan Village.

The Yomitan Village Assembly on September 19 unanimously adopted a resolution and a written opinion in protest against the incident. The documents lodge a protest with the Japanese and U.S. governments, by stating that the incident is unacceptable as it is an act that posed a serious threat to the peaceful lives of villagers.

After the adoption, a group of assembly members and Mayor Ishimine Denjitsu made representations to the Okinawa Defense Bureau, demanding an apology and compensation payment to victims, the announcement of measures to prevent a recurrence, and a revision of the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement.

According to the village assembly special investigation committee on base issues, the trespass occurred at about 10:30 p.m. on September 7. A half-naked U.S. soldier intruded into a private house. At that time, only a senior high school girl and her five-month-old sister were in the house. Frightened by the sound of intrusion, the girl immediately picked up the baby, jumped out of a window, and fled into the house next door.

In addition, it was confirmed that on the night of September 7, several U.S. servicemen were drunk and disorderly near the crime scene.

Special committee chair Uechi Sakae said, “The high school girl was so emotionally upset that she wept even during her classes the day after the incident.”

Past related articles:
> US marine arrested for donation box theft [September 4, 2018]
> US soldier arrested for rape [February 7, 2018]
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