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 Local people protest at U.S. Aegis ship’s port-call ( February 2, 2010)
 U.S. Marines starts live-shell drill in Hijudai ( February 2, 2010)
 JCP demands the U.S. Navy stop flying over residential areas ( January 30, 2010)
 U.S. ignores order to pay compensation to a Japanese victim  ( January 29, 2010)
 Metal part from U.S. fighter jet crashes into a private house ( January 29, 2010)
 Japan-US agreement won’t relieve Okinawa’s base burdens (January 14, 2010)
 Days of U.S. nuclear warships’ stay reach a record-high  (January 12, 2010)
 U.S. soldier indicted in fatal traffic accident in Okinawa (January 8 & 9, 2010)
 U.S. military police keep event visitors under surveillance (January 8, 2010)
 U.S. marine arrested for trespassing armed with knife ( December 28, 2009)
 U.S. military refuses to hand over four children of U.S. servicemen allegedly involved in attempted murder[Editorial] ( December 4 & 6, 2009)
 U.S. military personnel in private vehicles should be charged tolls to use expressways ( November 28, 2009)
 Area of U.S. military bases in Japan has doubled since 1980 ( November 19, 2009)
 U.S. Marines fire 642 shells in live-fire drills ( November 12 &13, 2009)
 Kokuta emphasizes need to review SOFA and remove U.S. bases ( November 11, 2009)
 Dangers of U.S. helicopter base in Tokyo’s art museum district ( November 6, 2009)
 U.S. Marines starts firing drill at the foot of Mt. Fuji ( November 3, 2009)
 Foreign minister’s remark draws criticism from Okinawans ( October 26, 2009)
 New government leaves ‘sympathy budget’ for U.S. forces intact ( October 24, 2009)
 U.S. soldier found guilty of hit and run ( October 22, 2009)
 No place for U.S. Marines in Japan: Ginowan City mayor ( October 21, 2009)
 Anpo-Haki calls for new U.S. base construction to be cancelled ( October 21, 2009)
 Hokkaido Gensuikyo opposes USS Patriot entry into civil port ( October 20, 2009)
 Peace organizations demand U.S. Marine Corps drill canceled (October 20, 2009)
 JCP demands a halt to U.S. low-altitude flight training  ( October 17, 2009)
 U.S. used secret pact for nuclear subs to pass through straits ( October 12, 2009)
 Rally to celebrate 2000th sit-in against a U.S. military base  ( October 11, 2009)
  ‘Relocation of flight training’ destroys residents’ peaceful lives - Akahata editorial (excerpts) ( October 7, 2009)
 U.S. military urges local municipality to pay for relocation of its facilities ( October 2, 2009)
 Ceremony held to mark lawsuit victory over U.S. military jet crash (September 29, 2009)
 Anti-Security Treaty groups meet in Okinawa to develop anti-base struggles ( September 27, 28, 2009)
 JCP demands not to allow U.S. warships to enter civil port ( September 25, 2009)
 Peace groups demand Japan-U.S. joint ground exercises be cancelled ( September 16, 2009)
 U.S. Aegis warship enters a Kyoto port  ( September 15, 2009)
 JCP and City Mayor agree to work to solve Futenma issue ( September 15, 2009)
  Mayor protests against U.S. NLP with carrier aircraft  ( September 15, 2009)
 Citizens rally demands U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier leave ( September 14, 2009)
 U.S. helicopter test flights at Henoko cancelled ( September 10, 2009)
 AWOL U.S. soldier in stolen truck causes road accident  ( September 5, 2009 )
 200th demonstration demanding ‘No live-fire drill’ held in Okinawa ( September 3, 2009 )
 U.S. nuclear submarines make 38 port calls in Japan this year ( August 31, 2009)
 Yokosuka residents demonstrates against U.S. nuclear-powered warship entry ( August 24, 2009)
 Protest against U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier’s visit to local port (August 20, 2009)
 Okinawan university demands nearby U.S. base be closed immediately  ( August 14, 2009)
 Local mayor accepts additional U.S. military housing construction  ( July 28, 2009)
 Protest against visits to Yokohama by Japanese and U.S. warships ( July 27, 2009)
 Using Japan’s tax revenues for ‘relocation’ of U.S. Marines Akahata editorial [Editorial] (July 16, 2009)
 Residents near U.S. Iwakuni base complain of intolerable noise ( July 10, 2009)
 Japan pays 70% of utilities for U.S. forces in Okinawa  ( June 28, 2009)
 2 trillion yen used to upgrade U.S. military facilities in Japan ( June 23, 2009)

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