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 Kishida gov’t supports semiconductor maker as part of its policy to turn Japan into war-fighting nation  (April 3, 2024)
 Diet passes FY2024 budget incorporating largest-ever military budget (March 29, 2024)
 JCP Policy Commission Chair Yamazoe issues statement on Cabinet decision to export next-generation fighter jets (March 28, 2024)
 Bill on economic secrets would abuse corporate employees’ privacy (March 28, 2024)
 JCP Chair Tamura at FCCJ resolves to help realize gender equal Japan (March 27, 2024)
 JCP Kasai opposes CCS project because of risk of accidents (March 25, 2024)
 JCP Chair Tamura on livestreaming program calls for direct gov’t support for wage hikes at SMEs (March 23, 2024)
 Tamura: Ishin party and DPFP are unacceptable partners in opposition parties’ joint struggle (March 20, 2024)
 Shiokawa calls for scrapping bill to expand state secret protection law to economic field (March 20, 2024)
 Kasai joins in cross-party parliamentarians’ petition to Kishida gov’t for efforts to settle N. Korea abduction issue (March 19, 2024)
 Foreign Minister to JCP Kokuta: Israel’s acts violate international humanitarian law (March 14, 2024)
 Yamazoe criticizes Kishida gov’t for putting mock brake on export of jointly developed next-gen fighter jets (March 14, 2024)
 JCP Yamazoe: Stop introducing Israeli-made drones, benefiting Israeli war industry (March 13, 2024)
 US military-related expenses paid by Japan amount to more than one trillion yen (March 5, 2024)
 Gov’t keeps hidden documentation of deal with US over release of Japanese war criminals in exchange for settlement of US H-bomb test incident (February 29, 2024)
 Kishida gov’t seeks to introduce contingency legislation forcing flower growers to plant potatoes (February 26 & 27, 2024)
 \135.3 million in back taxes be levied if LDP slush funds are regarded as income (February 27, 2024)
 Motomura: Revised ‘three principles’ allowing arms exports will increase likelihood of international conflicts (February 22, 2024)
 No-confidence motion against minister having close ties with Moonies rejected (February 21, 2024)
 MSDF evades 1974 notice by calling worship of Yasukuni Shrine ‘history learning’ (February 20, 2024)
 Majority of major countries put ban or restrictions on political donations from businesses and interest groups (February 19, 2024)
 165 MSDF personnel also worshipped at Yasukuni Shrine (February 17, 2024)
 ‘With no added burden’ on people in tackling falling birthrate is false (February 16, 2024)
 Shiokawa demands that PM Kishida oust minister in charge of religions for ties with religious cult (February 15, 2024)
 Koike: Survey on LDP slush funds far from satisfactory (February 14, 2024)
 JCP Takahashi calls for gov’t measure to enable Noto quake victims to stay at secondary evacuation sites (February 10, 2024)
 JCP continues to be committed to return of all Chishima Islands to Japan (February 8, 2024)
 JCP Kasai calls for Shika NPP on Noto Peninsula to be decommissioned (February 8, 2024)
 Reformist polls well against conservative rival in Kyoto City mayoral race (February 6, 2024)
 Opposition-backed female candidate defeats LDP-endorsed incumbent in Maebashi City mayoral election (February 6, 2024)
 JCP Chair Tamura demands direct support for wage hikes at SMEs (February 3, 2024)
 Shii calls for putting recovery from New Year’s Day quake first and abandoning nuclear power and Osaka Expo (February 2, 2024)
 Shii: PM Kishida does not understand situation in quake-hit Noto (February 2, 2024)
 JCP Chair Tamura comments on PM Kishida’s policy speech (January 31, 2024)
 PM Kishida’s policy speech gives off ‘emptiness’ and ‘danger’ (January 31, 2024)
 JPC opposes improvement of airports and harbors for military purposes (January 30, 2024)
 JCP Shiokawa urges PM Kishida to investigate all LDP lawmakers regarding slush-fund allegation (January 30, 2024)
 Tamura calls on all JCP Dietmembers to conduct active Diet debate representing public anger and leading to government change (January 27, 2024)
 Koike: LDP should fully explain all its funding scandals before dissolving LDP factions (January 20, 2024)
 GSDF top officers’ visit to Yasukuni Shrine may violate 1974 official notice (January 17, 2024)
 Member lineup of ‘LDP reform body’ arouses public criticism (January 12, 2024)
 Tokyo forcibly begins soft-ground improvement work for US base construction in Okinawa (January 11, 2024)
 GSDF vice chief of staff visits Yasukuni shrine (January 10, 2024)
 LDP Abe faction’s sitting Dietmember arrested over slush-fund scandal (January 8, 2024)
 Shii: Political reform HQ without disclosing truth behind slush fund scandal is meaningless (January 6, 2024)
 PM Kishida evades referring to LDP slush-fund allegations and quake-caused N-power plant troubles (January 6, 2024)
 Ex-State Minister of Justice Kakizawa arrested for vote-buying (December 29, 2023)
 Gov’t proposes almost 8 trillion yen for military spending in 2024 budget (December 23, 2023)
 Rengo appears to prioritize serving as impediment to opposition parties’ alliance over protecting workers’ labor rights (December 23, 2023)
 LDP’s fundraising scandal highlights need for total ban on political donations from corporations and interest groups (December 20, 2023)

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