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 All 3 candidates for LDP president show no difference from Abe and Suga policies (September 14, 2021)
 National hospital nurses exhausted fighting against COVID-19: Union questionnaire results (September 14, 2021)
 US retaliatory war and Japan[Editorial] (September 12, 2021)
 JCP policy commission chair protests against TV commentator’s unjust attack on JCP (September 11 & 12, 2021)
 Despite COVID crisis, internal reserves of corporations with over \1 billion in capital hit record high[Editorial] (September 10, 2021)
 Picture book about Bikini tragedy caused by US H-bomb test housed in Library of Congress (September 10, 2021)
 4 opposition parties along with Civil Alliance agree on common agenda (September 9, 2021)
 JCP CC 3rd Plenum held to get ready to achieve major advance in forthcoming general election (September 9, 2021)
 Sitting Dietmember sentenced to 4-year imprisonment for accepting bribes related to casino development (September 8, 2021)
 JCP Koike criticizes LDP’s use of its presidential election as excuse to refuse to hold extraordinary Diet session  (September 7, 2021)
 Japan emits 16.9 million tons of CO2 a year associated with food imports (September 7, 2021)
 Local peace activists protest against UK aircraft carrier's call at Yokosuka Port (September 6, 2021)
 Shii in his comment on Suga’s announcement calls for change of government with earnest opposition parties/citizens joint struggles  (September 4, 2021)
 Daily Akahata wins journalism award for scoop on PM Suga's intervention in Science Council of Japan (September 4, 2021)
 Suga gov’t refusal to hold extraordinary Diet session unconstitutional: 4 opposition parties (September 3, 2021)
 JCP publishes strategy to tackle climate crisis as part of platform for forthcoming general election (September 2, 2021)
 Victorious A-bomb ‘black rain’ lawsuit plaintiffs urge gov’t to give relief to all other ‘black rain’ victims (September 2, 2021)
 Pressed by JCP and public pressure, COVID-19 testing in school expanded to all classmates (September 1, 2021)
 JCP Hatano: It's time to reevaluate excessive commercialism in sports (August 31, 2021)
 US military used Okinawa’s World Natural Heritage site as waste dump site (August 31, 2021)
 Kenkoro annual convention resolves to realize minimum hourly wage of 1,500 yen (August 30, 2021)
 JCP Yamazoe calls for creation of more temporary medical centers to prevent coronavirus deaths at home (August 14 & 29, 2021)
 JCP urges Okinawa defense bureau to stop US forces from discharging PFOS-tainted wastewater (August 28, 2021)
 PM Suga expresses groundless COVID-19 optimism (August 27, 2021)
 Okinawa governor protests against discharge of PFOS-contaminated wastewater by US military (August 27, 2021)
 Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate drops to record-low 37.17% (August 26, 2021)
 Shinfujin urges gov’t to implement measures to prevent COVID-19 infections in schools after summer break (August 26, 2021)
 Opening of Games amid pandemic conflicts with Paralympic movement’s ideals (August 25, 2021)
 Yokohama mayoral race results represent voters’ verdict of ‘No’ to casinos and to Suga administration (August 24, 2021)
 National research institutions’ unions resolve to push gov’t to increase budget for basic research (August 23, 2021)
 Cancel Paralympics and schoolchildren-participation project[Editorial] (August 21, 2021)
 Japanese pensioners: Gov’t in violation of ILO convention reduces pension payouts (August 20, 2021)
 US MV-22 Osprey drops panel while in flight in Okinawa (August 18 & 20, 2021)
 Suga gov't extends COVID-19 state of emergency while refusing to hold extraordinary Diet session (August 19, 2021)
 Asked by press, Shii comments on situation in Afghanistan (August 18, 2021)
 80 NGOs: Gov’t should accept UN special rapporteur’s request for onsite survey of Fukushima evacuees (August 18, 2021)
 Shii talks with Vietnamese ambassador to Japan (August 18, 2021)
 Worshiping at Yasukuni Shrine by Cabinet Ministers violates constitutional principle of separation of state and religion (August 14, 15 & 17, 2021)
 JCP Koike renews resolution to defend Article 9 on End of WWII Day (August 15, 2021)
 Ex-PM Abe heads anti-constitutional rightist Shinto group (August 15, 2021)
 Suga gov’t should drastically revise GHG reduction target in line with latest IPCC report[Editorial] (August 14, 2021)
 JCP Hiroshima criticizes IOC President Bach for making light of Hiroshima as the A-bombed city (August 13, 2021)
 JCP Dietmembers talk with university co-op student leaders regarding campus life under COVID-19 (August 13, 2021)
 JCP Kokuta comments on record-low approval rating for Suga Cabinet (August 11 &12, 2021)
 3 opposition parties agree to demand holding of Diet committee meetings over Sri Lankan woman's death at immigration control center (August 12, 2021)
 Municipal workers' union: Outside digital HR goes against fairness in public affairs (August 11, 2021)
 Like Olympic Games, forcible opening of Paralympics runs counter to infection control measures[Editorial] (August 10, 2021)
 Aug.9, Nagasaki Day rally held (August 10, 2021)
 Aug.6 Hiroshima Day online rally held as part of World Conference against A & H Bombs (August 7, 2021)
 Shii sends message to 2021 World Conference against A and H Bombs (August 7, 2021)

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