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 JCP Koike demands abolishment of unjust medical system for elderly  ( October 28, 2009)
 Hatoyama delivers his first policy speech ( October 27, 2009)
 Hatoyama fails to specify how to address key issues: JCP Shii (October 27, 2009)
 PM no explanation about his political funds report ( October 27, 2009)
 Shii explains points to bring up for debate ( October 27, 2009)
 Foreign minister’s remark draws criticism from Okinawans ( October 26, 2009)
 Elimination of national standards for day-care centers threatens children’s safety ( October 26, 2009)
 Progressive forum calls for strengthening of movement  ( October 25, 2009)
 Okada ;moving Futenma Base outside Okinawa not an option  ( October 24, 2009)
 New government leaves ‘sympathy budget’ for U.S. forces intact ( October 24, 2009)
 Health minister; new medical care schemefor elderly delayed  ( October 24, 2009)
  Ozawa's“Diet reform”is criticized ( October 23, 2009)
 Eliminate corruption involving the use of ministry subsidies Akahata editorial (excerpts) [Editorial] ( October 23, 2009)
 Is Toyota again using workers as disposable labor? ( October 23, 2009)
 Hidankyo holds rally for relief of A-bomb survivors ( October 22 & 23, 2009)
 More interpellation time requested for smaller parties in Upper House ( October 22, 2009)
 U.S. soldier found guilty of hit and run ( October 22, 2009)
 New government must adhere to Okinawan demand Akahata editorial (excerpts) [Editorial] ( October 22, 2009)
 Rally for additional benefits for single-parent households  ( October 22, 2009)
 No place for U.S. Marines in Japan: Ginowan City mayor ( October 21, 2009)
 Anpo-Haki calls for new U.S. base construction to be cancelled ( October 21, 2009)
 Court rules Isuzu’s layoff of contingent workers as illegal ( October 21, 2009)
 Japan’s poverty rate of 15.7% is highest level  ( October 20, 2009)
 DPJ members complain lack of inner-party policy-making body ( October 20, 2009)
 Hokkaido Gensuikyo opposes USS Patriot entry into civil port ( October 20, 2009)
 Peace organizations demand U.S. Marine Corps drill canceled (October 20, 2009)
 JCP requests measures to solve Yanba dam issue (October 20, 2009)
 NGOs call on ICNND to reflect momentum for nuclear-free world ( October 18 & 19, 2009)
 Supreme Court must ensure proceedings over handbill posting case - Akahata editorial (excerpts) [Editorial] ( October 19, 2009)
 National rally marking Matsukawa Incident’s 60th anniversary ( October 18, 19, 2009)
 DPJ policies criticized as inadequate in responding to people’s demands (October 18, 2009)
 FY 2010 budget request reaches record-high level ( October 17, 2009)
 JCP lawmakers and Kin mayor discuss ways to stop U.S. forces ( October 17, 2009)
 JCP demands a halt to U.S. low-altitude flight training  ( October 17, 2009)
 Farmers and consumers launch ‘Green Wave’ action ( October 17, 2009)
 JCP calls for cancellation of Awase reclamation project ( October 17, 2009)
 JCP demands next Diet session to break through crisis of people’s livelihoods ( October 16, 2009)
 Pensioners demand abolition of discriminatory system for the elderly ( October 16, 2009)
 Kyushu Electric Power forcibly loads a reactor with MOX fuel ( October 16, 2009)
 Court orders to stop using public funds for reclamation of tideland ( October 16, 2009)
 JCP Vice Chair Ogata meets with Vietnamese CP delegation ( October 16, 2009)
 Consumers calls on JCP to work to cut consumption tax ( October 15, 2009)
 Anti-poverty volunteers urge government to avoid setting up ‘tent village’ ( October 15, 2009)
 400 billion for Olympic should be used to improve living conditions ( October 15, 2009)
 ILO report concerns pay requirement for disabled ( October 15, 2009)
 JCP Central Committee holds its 9th Plenum ( October 15, 2009)
 Keidanren to forego assessing 2 major parties’ policies this year ( October 14, 2009)
 Governor approves of plan for new U.S. base in Okinawa ( October 14, 2009)
 BSE risky parts contained in imported U.S. beef ( October 11 & 14, 2009)
 Hiroshima and Nagasaki consider bidding to host 2020 Olympics ( October 12, 2009)

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